Beyond Growth Conference 2023 – „From Anthropocene to Cyclocene – Will circular economy keep us within planetary boundaries?“

What a day!

The Ecological Democratic Party (ÖDP) was founded 41 years ago with the guiding principle of having an economic system without growth constraints that has the well-being of people and the preservation of the ecological foundations of life as its goal. According to the motto: people before profit, as the groundbreaking study of the Club of Rome has proven.

Decades later, an event like BeyondGrowth gives me hope as a member of this party in the European Parliament and gives me new impetus that we can move away from the plundering of our planet and achieve a sustainable economy.

Around the way there and the big topic of circular economy, I moderated a panel yesterday with some of the most renowned experts in the field who presented inspiring visions for the future.

Circular economy is part of the solution, but not the sole answer. We all play a role through our #consumption behavior and demand. One thing is certain: We can no longer afford to look only at GDP and must instead focus our economic policies on people’s well-being and sustainability!

The insights of this panel do not fit into any social media post – I can only suggest you to watch the recording of this event:

Thanks to all viewers and especially to all participants of the panel!