It’s done! My Report on the Detergents Regulation is complete

It’s done!

As the European Parliament’s chief negotiator, I have submitted my report on the revision of the rules on detergents and cleaning products.

I was particularly keen to make these products, which we use every day, more sustainable and environmentally friendly and to ensure greater health protection. You can find more information about my priorities on my channels.

These were very intensive weeks of work and my thanks go in particular to Yannick from the parliamentary group and to my team!

But that was just the beginning! There is still a lot to do! In the coming weeks, I will present my report to the European Parliament’s Environment Committee. After that, it will be discussed with my colleagues from the other groups.

I am now looking forward to continuing to work together with the aim of strengthening health protection, environmental protection, consumer protection and animal welfare!

I will keep you up to date!